Whether you're a new believer, new to King's, or just needing to find purpose in life, we want to help you discover your NEXT STEPS. Check out some of the Next Steps you can take to get started!

Next Steps


  • What does it mean to follow Jesus? God loves you right where you are, but He loves you too much to leave you where you are. Following Jesus means embracing a life of surrender to Him. It's more than a one-time prayer or consistent church attendance. It's a gritty, heart-level posture that affects every area of life. And there's always a next step.

    Where do I start? Confess to God you are a sinner. Tell Him you believe Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sin and rose from the dead to give you new life.

    Tell Him that you trust Jesus to forgive you and give you a fresh start. Ask Him to come and live In you through His spirit and commit your life to following Him and His ways.

    Salvation Form

  • What is baptism? Water baptism is one of the most beautiful, significant and life-defining moments in your journey as a Christian. This simple act of obedience as a Believer, has powerful supernatural significance.

    Water baptism is a public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ and the outward demonstration of the inward transformation that takes place when we receive Him as our Lord and Savior.

    Find upcoming water baptism dates and register here.

    Baptism Form

  • What is Fast Track? What once was a 4 week course can now be completed in one Saturday morning! Fast track is class that introduces you to who we are and what we believe as a church, engages you in seeking out your purpose and potential in Christ, and helps you find significance and community within the church.

    What is Lead Class? Lead class is designed for you to enter AFTER you have completed Fast Track to help launch each of you into your God-given purpose! Being a leader and growing leaders is an integral part of King’s. Therefore, all leaders must grasp the heart and DNA of King’s. Ine this training, you will find the information needed to help inspire and equip you with King’s vision and give you the tools needed to be a phenomenal leader.

    Fast Track Form

  • Becoming a formal member of King's Cathedral & Chapels is more than just a business function for our organization, it is committing oneself to the mission and vision of King's through prayer and the use of your gifts! Just as the apostles gave the people the authority to make decisions, the Senior Pastor has given the authority to formal members to make four major decisions.

    Must complete Fast Track classes and interview with site Pastors.

    Membership Form


    Teams exist to help each individual find significance in serving God and others. Discover what teams you can be a part of by first going through our Fast Track. Sign up online to serve on one of these teams!

    Serving Form

  • The purpose of life groups is to create healthy relationships by growing our relationship with God and others through fellowship, the study of the Word, and prayer. Our church offers life groups every day of the week in various parts of the island.

    See a complete list of all our Life Groups and sign up!

    Life Group Form